
2023-08-28 10:28:55 来源 : gzmt998.com 投稿人 : admin






  My favorite summer came, and with him came the summer heat.

  Summer is a hot season. The sun would like to release all its energy to illuminate the earth, and people would do it without regard to the hot weather. Some people think that spring is the most beautiful, everything comes back to life, flowers and flowers are beautiful. I don't think so. I think spring is the rebirth of everything and the summer is the bloom. If you compare the seasons to the growth of a person, summer is the most glorious time.

  There are many lotus flowers in summer pond, pink and white. The colorful lotus flowers stand on the green lotus leaf. Under the lotus, there are still a few small fish swimming, and suddenly disappear is to hide behind the lotus to rest.

  I think summer is the most beautiful season of the year. What do you think?






  Summer, unlike the spring as Yinggeyan dance. Flowers do not like snow in the autumn, like the snow as the snow, it is only to bring us a green, revealing the vitality.

  Summer is the most dense tree. From the distance to the woods, really like a green yarn account. Night, we in this "green yarn account" to play, catch fireflies, dense foliage covered with a hot, people feel very comfortable......

  In the summer, nature will play a unique song - know. I feel that it is the best musician in nature. When we are tired, stop and listen to the treatment of singing songs, will feel that is singing for us.

  Summer, how nice a word!






  Summer, sun like fire, the sun burning the earth.

  In the summer, my favorite swimming, because the pool of water is cool, stay there, cool. I have some good way to summer, such as eating ice cream, eating watermelon and so on. Summer, we can also capture the lovely insects, dragonflies in the water on the water, known to stop, to the hot weather is added a layer of irritability. Summer scenery is beautiful, the sun shines on the water, the water shining, like a pearl sprinkled on the water. Evening, my mother and I go for a walk, I looked up, wow! That cloud seems like a cloud of clouds, at night, the moon issued a weak light, the stars blinked.

  Summer is really beautiful and beautiful.





  Summer noon burning sun like a big fireball.

  The leaves of the willow played the curl, as if to say, "I am so thirsty, I am so thirsty, I will drink water." The pond is placed in the tail of the fish, while swimming to the surface, open mouth breathing air, as if In the summer there is a child is holding a fish in the fish feeding fish eat a drop of water, a large group of small fish to fight to eat. There is a swimming pool beside the pond, where three children are swimming

  Suddenly the sun turned down, the black whirring of the clouds quickly drifted over, very low very low. The children are hiding in the house. The wind came and flashed. In an instant, the rain got up. After a while the rain stopped, willow shook the body of the rain beads, willow re-opened, and become more green. The sky hangs a rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple beautiful.

  Summer really beautiful ah!


  柳树的叶子打起了卷儿,好像在说:“我真渴,我真渴,我要喝水。”池塘里的小鱼摆着尾巴,一会儿游到水面上,张开嘴巴呼吸空气,好像在说:“夏天真热啊﹗夏天真热啊﹗” 池塘旁有一个小朋友正拿着鱼食在喂鱼呢. 鱼食一掉下水,一大群小鱼就争着吃。池塘旁有一个游泳池,游泳池里有三个小朋友正在学游泳




  Summer morning, the sun turned the child's face red, reflecting the whole of the earth, the sun quietly stuck his head, the sun sprinkled into the world.

  The sun is getting higher and higher, the sun to the grass out of the tears, the tree knew that has begun to call up, slowly, more called the more urgent, the more the greater the voice: "hot dead! "

  Noon, sunny, no trace of clouds in the sky. The sun in the sky was not as shy as the morning, and made the dazzling sunshine, and it was about to scorch the earth. Trees covered with the leaves of the body, only the car back and forth with the car, the fish hiding in the water did not show up, very few pedestrians on the road.

  Summer is so beautiful! I love her too!

  夏天的早晨,朝霞把小朋友的脸蛋映红了, 映红了整个大地,太阳悄悄地探出了脑袋,把阳光洒向人间。





  Is a naughty boy who will change his face. While laughing haha, while crying. Sometimes a day to change several faces. Hot days, the old people will shade in the shade, children no matter how hot the weather, always jumping outside to play, while jumped to the west, while jumping to the east, playing very happy. The birds chirp on the branches of the song: "too hot, too hot, too hot ... ..." God like to hear like. For a while dark clouds, winds, thunder and lightning, heavy rain. People had no time to run home, suddenly the rain stopped, the sun radiance, looked at the sky, there are rainbow sky it

  Sometimes the old man is not so furious, but suddenly thunderous rumbling, raindrops rustling, children treading the joy of the rhythm continue to play in the rain. Only one will, but also sunny, heat tight.

  How busy the summer is! How wonderful is the summer!




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