
2023-09-05 13:09:40 来源 : gzmt998.com 投稿人 : admin




  导语:国庆节是一个欢乐的节日 ,是属于每一个中国人的爱国节日 ,很多同学都会以此问题写英语作文,在下面是介绍,欢迎阅读,仅供参考!更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!


  Today is October 1, 2016, my mood is particularly good. Well known, October 1st is National Day, is the birthday of the motherland. I the revellers, of course, also want to go and have a look!

  Outside the home, the weather is very good. Take the subway to tiananmen square, I shine at the moment, the rows of seats is suspended in the air, there were nine layers! I can not help but exclaimed, "this is not the latest maglev technology of seat chair!" I looked on, 1 to 5 layers are full of people, there was no seat again later! So, I went to the temporary stairs, climbing stairs is easy, find a seat is the difficult, from the stairs to my ideal position at least 800 meters! Wait until when, the right hand side of the ring a little rumble, I truly see, a small and exquisite, glittering and translucent get rid of the plane flew over slowly, don't watch carefully, thought it was a pilot leaders of the country and the floating in the air! People can not suppress his excitement, happy and stood up, and shout aloud for joy. They are excited about the 73th anniversary celebration ceremony, for our country feel excited for the National Day of the first high-tech, excited for the rapid development of new China! In a burst of cheers, the plane around a circle and a circle, about a quarter of an hour after fall on the rostrum. Chairman, off the plane, to the balcony, the official opening ceremony, as expected, a good Like a tidal wave of cheers with applause immediately swell up. "Dong -" before the balcony a loud roar, I was shocked, everyone stopped to cheer, looked podium together. The original is the sound salute. salute A total of 22 ring, ring every 49 cannons, deafening. At the same time, "hang" flag ceremony began, four aircraft along the column of the flag, they will flag hung with the national anthem in the 30 meters high, the stands and cheer. Then start the parade with the navy, air force, army, the largest air force, the plane square total length of 300 meters! Action uniform soldiers just past, free tissue masses of admission, although not so neatly, but vigorous scene still spectacular, even some of the first floor of people joined the procession, the team is more big. Wave upon wave of cheers from the stands, applause continuously. Etc. The team will completely out of the field, those of us who also spontaneously formed a team in the stands, gave the celebration ceremony ended, but also from time to time can hear the cheers of the otc. I guess, the modern event gave us a profound impact.

  From 1949 to now, the National Day activities of the time changed, the place has changed, people have changed, the only constant is every Chinese patriotism. Although now era progress, rapid development of the motherland, but our patriotic spirit never change!



  走出家门,天气十分好。乘地铁来到天安门广场后,我眼前一亮,一排排座椅悬浮在空中,竟然有九层呢!我不禁惊叹道,“这不是最新的磁悬浮科技座 椅嘛!”我朝上看了看,1到5层都坐满了人,再晚就没位子了!于是,我来到了临时楼梯口,爬楼梯还比较容易,找座位就难了,从楼梯口到我理想的位置至少有 800米!等到9:55,右手侧响起一阵轻微的隆隆声,我劈头一看,一架小巧玲珑,晶莹剔透的飞机缓缓飞过,不仔细看,还以为是国家领导和一名飞机驾驶员 飘在空中!人们压抑不住自己兴奋的心情,不禁高兴地站了起来,并大声欢呼。他们为祖国73周年庆祝大典感到激动,为第一届高科技国庆节感到激动,为新中国 的飞速发展感到激动!在一阵欢呼声中,飞机绕了一圈又一圈,大约一刻钟后才落在了城楼上。主席下了飞机,直奔观礼台,正式宣布典礼开始,不出所料,一阵好 似潮水般的.欢呼夹着掌声即刻涌了上来。“咚——”观礼台前一声轰鸣,把我吓了一跳,大家不约而同地停止了欢呼,目光一起投向主席台。原来是鸣礼炮了。礼炮 一共22响,每一响49门大炮齐发,震耳欲聋。与此同时,“挂”旗仪式开始,4辆飞机一路纵队护送国旗,他们伴着国歌将国旗挂在了30米高空,看台上又是 一阵欢呼。接着,阅兵式开始,有海军,空军,陆军,其中空军最多,飞机方阵总长达300米!动作整齐划一的军人刚走过,自由组织的群众就入场了,虽然不那 么整齐,但轰轰烈烈的场面仍旧壮观,甚至有些一楼的人也加入了游行,队伍更庞大了。看台上的欢呼声一浪高过一浪,掌声也接连不断。等群众队伍完全出了会 场,我们这些看台上的人也自发组成一支队伍,给庆祝大典做了收场,但还不时能听见场外的欢呼声。我猜,这次现代化的庆祝活动给大家留下了深刻影响。


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