
2023-10-30 08:36:51 来源 : gzmt998.com 投稿人 : admin






  Today is the winter solstice, a school, I have three steps and two step rushed to the house. I saw my mother and aunt is next to the hot pot peck of dumplings, I also help pinch of in the past. Tangyuan pinch of good, the mother of the good dumplings into the frying pan. After a while, a incense coil is crisp and delicious "hollow Fried dumplings", "fresh". I smell the taste of the delicious dumplings are salivating at the thought, immediately put one into his mouth. All of a sudden, I let out a cry "wow".

  "What?" Mother asked atonce. I hold out very hot red tongue to mother, mother to understand, love to say: "be careful, don't burn yourself!"

  At this time, the hot pot. Aunt put meatballs and lamb in the pan. A little later, lamb cooked, aunt help me remove the lamb, I'll eat it with relish. In the blink of an eye, a bowl of mutton is finished off me. Mother also afraid I do not have enough to eat, and gave me a scoop a large bowl of meatballs. I, irrespective of the one to lift the bowl to eat. Aunt to see me this pair of gorge, then joked: "my little cat, eat slowly, beware of choking." I replied, "the cat's throat is big, can swallow the whole big fish, which meeting is choking!" The aunt heard my words, laughing, my mother was I to laugh...

  In the evening, in the tender moonlight, our family sit chat on the balcony, with jokes, qi for pleasure...

  Expert review:

  Is described in this article the author of "winter", suggests that "family harmony". Article the emotion sincere, natural language is fluent, vivid, such as "I smell the taste of the delicious dumplings are salivating at the thought", have artistic appeal.








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