
2023-10-21 14:13:35 来源 : gzmt998.com 投稿人 : admin





  My hometown is located in Portsstun Village, Fujian Province. There is a peak of peaks in the peaks of the peaks, and there are small bridges.Spring, the small river floating on a layer of soft mist, as if it was a light yarn on the stream.The grass by the river is blaming.A willow tree floats with green long hair, is so beautiful!Summer, sunlight sprinkled on the river, reflected a bit of golden light, like a crushed gold in the river, sparkling.A naughty child jumped into the river, just like a unfettered little fish swim in the river.Autumn, a piece of leaves floated on the water, just like a boat ripple on the water.Winter, the river has formed a layer of ice.Packed children put on skates on ice.The hometown of the hometown, the clear street, the quiet stream, you will always be a happiness in my heart.

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