
2023-10-20 12:52:59 来源 : gzmt998.com 投稿人 : admin





  英语作文:国庆节计划 篇1

  Every person loves the National Day, because they will have the holiday and can take some rest. For me, I am so looking forward to the holiday, I have made some plans. First, I will take a visit to my grandparents. I haven’t seen them for more than two months, I have promised them to visit them. Staying with my grandparents always brings me happy memories. Second, my family decided to have the picnic with my uncles. The families always have some activities, so that we can keep in touch. I can play with my cousins, we are intimate friends. It is good to have the family get together. I am sure I will have a good time.


  英语作文:国庆节计划 篇2

  Today is the National Day, is also the birthday of the People's Republic of China, came to the street, many companies at the door are affixed with a happy National Day, celebrate the National Day words, also hung red lanterns. The streets were busy with people and traffic.

  Night quietly fell, the sky and driving a fireworks, like a head, followed by colorful flowers blooming in the air. Red like agate; Green like jade; Purple as a pearl; Yellow and broken gold these bright flowers in the air more and more open, interwoven into a beautiful giant umbrella. When this cluster of flowers fade, that cluster of flowers bloom again. Even the deep blue sky was lit up by the sparkling flowers. Suddenly, a fairy jumped out of the flowers, sprinkling silver like small stars, like the rain of flowers flying, such as steel flowers splashing. People like place oneself in the fairy tale world in general, look, the silver also mixed with a few small and exquisite parachute, red, white, green dazzling.

  The buildings on both sides of the road also shot a bunch of fireworks from time to time, set off the fireworks in the night sky, like fire tree honeydew, the festival night decorated more colorful, fireworks off, the sky left a round, layers of white smoke, slowly floating, the shape is very like the sea jellyfish. I opened my eyes wide and dazzled, deeply fascinated by the beauty. The streets, which had been quiet a moment earlier, were jubilant. The people continued to exclaim.

  At this point, everything is so beautiful. Colorful lights, colorful Windows, colorful flames, colorful night sky, the street into a colorful river. I use the camera to take this beautiful National Day night, let it stay in my memory forever.

  英语作文:国庆节计划 篇3

  During the National Day holiday, many people have seven days off, but there are also some people work during this period, there are many people write a plan for themselves, some to travel, some to go fishing, some to go to the seaside. I wrote a plan to go fishing and go to the beach.

  On October 1st, my family went fishing in the Dongjiang River. We came to the east River, and found that the weeds are much higher than the last time, the grass is a lot more, and the water hyacinth is also growing. We just heard an uncle said to us: "It's not easy to catch here." "Said the uncle went up. The uncle says it's hard to catch, but let's try. My father is ready to fish, not for a while my father pulled up the rod there is no fish, I said to my father: "I just saw the fish have a bite, is you didn't pull the rod." Dad listen to my words, the fish bite once or twice hooked on a fish, the fish is a blue knife, and then hooked a lot of tilapia. Then I saw a man in the water to catch fish, on the other side of someone with a net net fish, net a lot of big fish, I also saw a big fish jumped out of the water, back to the water, looking happy.

  On October 3rd, we went to Daya Bay to play. Traffic jam on the way there, all the cars like a long line. We finally got to Daya Bay and went to the beach. There are a lot of people here at the seaside, some rest on the beach, some pick up shells on the beach, some play on the beach, there are playing yachts and so on... I change swimsuit on the sea, there is a circle in the sea, the circle is shallow water, we are in the circle, a wave rushed over, I accidentally drank a mouthful of sea water, I give salty dead. I also made friends with a few children, playing in the sea together, can be happy.

  National Day holiday is really interesting, I also had a good time, children, you?

  英语作文:国庆节计划 篇4

  Flags, flowers, singing and laughing, ushered in the mother's birthday of the motherland - October 1 National Day. Today, I take full of good mood, sit on the private car, to enjoy the motherland mother's gorgeous dress.

  Early in the morning, we drove in the direction of Dongqian Lake. Through the window, I saw the strewn at random have the tall buildings have sprung up, the road on both sides of the lush trees, the green dotted with colorful flowers with chic modelling, like elegantly beautiful picture, lines clear river like a fluttering ribbon toward the distance, how magnificent the motherland mother dress is!

  The car through the city center, into the suburbs, it is the harvest of the fields, soybean grain full, cotton blossoming white, corn grandpa stroking a long beard in the breeze a hearty laugh, sorghum raised burning torches, and green vegetables, heavy fruits, the motherland mother how rich! How happy and proud I am to be your child.

  I was excited all the way, excited, unknowingly came to the Dongqian Lake. I got off the car, found that the sky there is particularly high, a blue Trinidad, where the air is fresh and sweet, looking around, everywhere is the eye candy green, green so comfortable, so intoxicating. With an endless stream of visitors, I came to the middle of the Dongqian Lake. A: wow! The lake there is so quiet! As still as an unpolished mirror with blue sky and white clouds. How clear the lake is! It was clear enough to see the green grass and swimming fish in the water. Suddenly not far from the melodious singing, looked up I saw a boat sailing from not far away, I went to the ticket office to buy a ticket, sitting on the boat I rowed while hum up: let us paddle, small boat pushed the waves, the sea reflected the beautiful white, surrounded by green trees and red walls... The song is floating on the lake, how happy I feel!

  Mother, I thank you for giving me a happy childhood.

  英语作文:国庆节计划 篇5

  National Day Day, my father drove me to Jianghan Road pedestrian street to play. Once there, what appears in the eye is countless, dense crowd, can be described in four words "people mountain people sea". My father and I wandered around, perhaps because I didn't eat the meal, not after a while my stomach was hungry. So my father took me to a restaurant for dinner.

  My father, who usually scrimped and saved, ordered a large table of food today for some reason. It makes your mouth water. When I was ready to eat, I saw a person carrying a bowl of boiling soup in his left hand, holding a pot of rice in his right hand, hurriedly ran to the seat. Just then a waiter ran into the gentleman and heard "bang!" ", and the rice and soup spilled all over the floor. Fortunately, no one was burned. The waiter quickly apologized to the gentleman and cleaned up the debris on the floor. But the gentleman did not give up, and at once his crotch was frowning and he was yelling at the waiter and spitting. Just then I saw some foreigners. The smiles vanished from their faces when they saw it. He just kept pointing at the man and talking, and seemed to be talking about something, so he went away.

  Suddenly I feel guilty about, think of the book in the uncivilized behavior of the Chinese people, for example, in Saudi Arabia pavilion lines, even if there were soldiers and working personnel to maintain order, but there are still a few visitors despite dissuasion, just to "toilet", "to eat" is the reason, to the way the "gasser", finally be found before going away.

  After this, I know that although China is slowly becoming stronger and more prosperous, the quality of the Chinese people still needs to be improved.

  英语作文:国庆节计划 篇6

  During the National Day, my father managed to squeeze out a day to play with me, I was very happy.

  Dad finished dealing with the matter at hand early, took me to Nanjing Jiangning Ginkgo Lake Park. Entering the gate, the first thing you see is the most spectacular "Chinese Dragon Dream" project. A ship can sit 6 people, slide down from the dragon head, water will splash into the body, especially exciting, because there are too many people to play, so did not play a little regret.

  Next we played the roller coaster. The roller coaster slowly went up, then down, then left, then right, then turned over and around until my mind went completely blank. It was spinning faster and faster, and it felt like it was spinning my little heart out. Then I also heard the people around me were screaming, especially next to the sister shouted especially hard, her two hands also cling to my arms, my arms are red. After coming down, I can only use the word "shell-shocked" to describe their feelings at that time, it was really scary and exciting!

  After that, I also played pirate ship. The pirate ships flew much higher than the ones on this side of the Crescent, and seemed to throw me out. I didn't expect it to be any different from the pirate ships at Crescent Lake. After the project was over, my legs were shaking and my dad didn't look very good. Although my father is not interested in the amusement park project, but in order to make me happy, or to play with me.

  This day is really happy. Not only because of the Ginkgo Lake fun game project, but also because of my father's company. I felt love and warmth around my father. Happiness is actually a very simple thing, anytime and anywhere around us, let us always feel warm and happy.

  英语作文:国庆节计划 篇7

  National Day is a happy day for every Chinese. Today, the Fuqing festival is decorated with charming and enchanting, especially enchanting, everywhere filled with a thick festive atmosphere, people enjoy the mild sunshine and the joy of harvest.

  On National Day, my parents and I went to Suzhou Lion Forest to play. Sitting in the car, I enjoyed the scenery out of the window. The streets are full of lights and colorful people. After six hours of travel, we finally came to Suzhou Lion Forest.

  Just came to the lion forest gate, saw two lion statues sitting in the doorway, the gate is made of a lot of rockery. My mother and I went to the ticket office to buy three tickets, and then went into the lion forest with my father.

  Into the Lion Forest, the first thing you see is a clear stream. The water is so clear that you can see the sand and stones at the bottom of the river. The water, as still as a mirror; This water, green as if it is a flawless jade. Across the stream there is a small wooden bridge, which is about nine meters long. I walked briskly across the little wooden bridge because I thought it was very funny.

  Go further, you will see countless rockery, rockery shape graceful, rabbit type, tiger type, and white clouds..... There is no road behind the rockery, only about two roads leading to the entrance. Let's go down this road on the left and we'll get to the exit.

  In this anniversary of the birth of new China, I walk everywhere, always can feel our great motherland economy is more and more developed, people's living standards are thriving.

  英语作文:国庆节计划 篇8

  National Day, Grandma and I went to the street to play.

  That morning, my grandmother and I stroll in the street. The street is really busy ah, people mountain sea of people. All kinds of Shouting, begging, talking, together into a symphony. I look here, I look there, everything makes me love. Thought: not the kui is the National Day, is not the same. Today, I'm going to eat my fill. I took my grandmother to the place where the tanghulu was sold and bought a big and round tanghulu.

  I hold the sweet gourd, the heart is beautiful. I got into the crowd and was stunned by a sight: two people crawling on the ground, the one behind Shouting: "Help us, help us..." They after a foot disability, in front of a pull him to climb two people are unkempt, my tears out of the eyes, I came to grandma in front, dry tears said: "They are so poor ah, give them money!" Grandma took out 5 yuan into their bowl and pulled me away. I looked back at them and left the place.

  Grandma and I went shopping again. Walking, came to a lonely place. I saw some people giving alms to a young beggar, who was also very poor. I searched my pockets and found only 50 cents, so I gave it to him. I was about to leave when I heard him give out an imperceptible sneer. Could it be that he... He got up to leave, and I followed him quietly. He came to a small alley without people, took off his dirty clothes, proudly counting money. My heart is cold, so he is a liar!

  I have been unhappy.

  When I got home, I told my mother. My mother's words made me suddenly enlightened. She said, "When a person pretends to be a beggar, he or she is a beggar, both in appearance and in spirit."

  英语作文:国庆节计划 篇9

  During the National Day holiday, something happened that impressed me deeply.

  On October 3, I followed my parents to Hongen rock to play. Once inside the mountain gate, there are so many people, so many cars, there is no place to park. So, Dad let us go inside while he parked the car. I walked into the gate with my mother and brother, and saw the four Kings, very dignified. Then walked in, came to the Mahavira Hall, worship Buddha, out of the temple.

  We came to the Guanyin pool, there is a grandmother, in the empty bottle, the empty bottle bag has been filled with more than half. So I drank the water in my water and gave it to grandma. Then, I sat down on the chair next to me to have a rest.

  Sitting for a while, I saw an uncle, see the hand of the bottle is empty, with a throw, and the garbage can is in his side. I saw the grandma picking up the empty bottle is still on the side, quickly ran over, picked up the empty bottle and handed it to grandma.

  The rest over, we continued to go up, Dad also parked the car to catch up. We went to the bachelor Cave. When we went up the stairs, a crowd of people gathered around the stone statues of famous people to take photos. Some parents even carried their children to the stone statues, not respecting the bachelor at all.

  Continuing to go up, I saw the garbage on the ground, water bottles, plastic bags, bags of bread, ah, terrible.

  At this time, a child was crying, Shouting for his mother, afraid it was lost. The little boy cried bitterly, but the people around him only looked at him coldly and then ignored him. I took the children to the security room, let the security guard take care of them, and then left.

  Finally, I suggest, or go home!

  As I walked, I mused that the tourist mecca was called the holy land, of course, because of the beautiful scenery and beautiful environment. But if the environmental protection is poor and the quality of tourists is low, will it still be a holy land?

  英语作文:国庆节计划 篇10

  This year's National Day, I finally easily, happily over the "eleven" seven days. For seven days, there was no training, no homework, no... These seven days, you can freely do what you like to do, you can "my site I call the shots", you can...

  On the morning of October 1, the second uncle drove to pick me up and my parents to go back home - Daye. Two hours later, we arrived at Daye home safely. As soon as I got home, I was anxious to see the "little guy" - little cousin.

  Little cousin is very cute. Red cheeks, bright eyes, small hands and feet. That head is small! The size of our hand! He's not small. He's only nine months old, but he looks like a 1-year-old.

  I, especially like to play with small babies. So, me and the little guy are really close. As far as I know, this guy likes to play chess pieces. Once, I put two boxes of go pieces on the bed, and then put the little guy on the bed. Look, the little guy waved his hands, pulled the chess pieces out of his arms, and then grabbed the chess pieces in the chess box. In this way, repeated several times, the little guy mouth up, happy smile.

  The little guy not only likes to play chess, but also likes to eat the glaze.

  Once, we were eating glaze. The little fellow saw that we all had food, but he did not, so anxious that his features were all wrinkled together. I saw, hurriedly put a glaze seed into his mouth. He took a few bites and smiled heartily. In this way, he fell in love with eating glaze.

  This is my little cousin. This is part of my "Eleven".

  英语作文:国庆节计划 篇11

  The long-awaited National Day has finally arrived. I had planned to go out to play with my mother, so we came to the Shiyan Lake in Changsha.

  Came to the door, the first sight is two inflatable balloons, they are like two "ghost police" floating in the air, is welcoming the arrival of our visitors!

  As soon as you enter the gate, you can see the "Sky Corridor bridge" across the two mountains with three big characters - Shiyan Lake. Below is the calm lake, it is like a bright mirror, the soft weeping willows, winding stone bridge, antique pavilion, one by one reflected in the water. Breeze Buddha, the lake microwave sparkling, everywhere full of sunshine, silver glitter, a school of vitality. There are also a few tourists in the lake are leisurely rowing boats. The boat moved slowly, afraid to disturb the peaceful picture.

  Along the lake, my mother and I came to the amusement park together, played a lot of projects - "flying saucer", "carousel"... Also watched 9D movies, amusement park can be fun.

  Along the mountain road, we came to the "Sky corridor bridge" is the glass bridge, just stepped onto the glass bridge, I looked down, wow! It's so high! I felt as if I was about to fall into the lake. Thought: "the original way back to calculate." At this time, my mother encouraged me to say: "As long as you do not look down, eyes look ahead, you will not be afraid." I listened to my mother's words, hard to grasp my mother's clothes, see ahead, finally successfully through.

  The short tour was over, and we went down the hill and back by boat.

  Shiyan Lake, your charming scenery will always stay in my heart.

  英语作文:国庆节计划 篇12

  The annual National Day is coming again, we have a National Day holiday. What shall I do in this long holiday? So I decided to go to the countryside to experience rural life.

  The next day my father took me to Qizi bridge grandpa's home. As soon as I got off the bus, a faint fragrance came towards me. I opened my eyes and saw green trees everywhere. I gradually approached the tree with the fragrance, tore open the leaves a look, a small osmanthus hidden in the leaves. Like a shy little girl, no one is willing to show a beautiful smile. My eyes turned to the distance, there are rolling mountains, clear water and a variety of houses in the distance, very beautiful. I was in heaven on earth. I was looking at the grass, grass like a green sea. Dad said, "Come on, let's go to the lawn!" My father took me to a cow. I was afraid that the cow would hit me, so I hid behind my father. Dad said: "Nothing, I come to demonstrate a cattle." Then he gave me a demonstration, so I plucked up the courage to catch the rope tied to the nose of the cow, like my father to do. A: wow! Why did he listen to me? I had a good time. I got on the back of a bull.

  In the afternoon I came to the chestnut tree, saw a lot of trees like hedgehogs thorn ball, opened his mouth, as if good taste. A gust of wind suddenly dropped many prickles from the tree. A stinging ball hit the body, oops! It hurts so much. Thorn ball rain finished, I took a peel to eat, good delicious. So I found a bamboo pole, stretched to the tree shook, hit a dozen, and under the thorn ball rain. I said happily "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! What a bumper harvest today!"

  Always feel that the long holiday is not long, there are many things not to do the holiday is coming to an end.

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