
2023-10-26 13:58:28 来源 : gzmt998.com 投稿人 : admin




  Some people say that rats are ugly creatures. When they see a rat running a long, they go ee-yuck ! Well I don’t know about you, but I’ve always thought that this was rather rude. Rats can have hurt feelings too you know ! In any case, When I catch sight of my reflection in a stream, I think I’m rather cute.

  Just recently, I was trotting along the King’s Highway, in my sweet little way, when I heard a great commotion on the road up head. Who or what is causing all that fuss? I wondered.

  When I got closer, I saw the king himself, riding along on top of a great fat lump of an elephant. The crowd of onlookers was ooo-ing and aah-ing full of admiration for that stupid beast with a nose that’s far too big for her face. She’s much uglier than me, I thought. And so I started to spring up and down and say, hey every one, Why not look at me ! I’m such a cutie-pie! I could join the king’s household and be a Royal Rat, if only there was any justice in the world.

  At first, nobody noticed me. They were all too busy oggling that stupid elephant. And little did I know, but riding behind the elephant in a carriage, was the princess, and she was holding a beastly cat in her arms. When he caught sight of me, the cat lept out of the carriage and started to chase me. I had to run for my life, and just popped down a hole in time before the cat could eat me up.

  And so now I’ve changed my mind about wanting people to notice me and admire me. I’ve decided that sometimes, it’s far better not to draw attention to yourself, but just to get on quietly with your own business.

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